Cut costs, reduce risk, and grow faster by adding DEI fundamentals to EEO compliance training
Ask CEOs to boil down their jobs to the essentials, and they’re bound to cite three objectives: increase income, cut expenses, and reduce risk. Adding basic diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) education to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) training makes it easier for C-suite leaders to achieve all three goals.
Compliance training is often included in an organization’s employee orientation protocols. Professional behavioral standards are explained, along with the expectation that employees will be held accountable for their actions. Integrating fundamental DEI education on inclusive language, bias awareness, and effective feedback with basic anti-discrimination training not only helps organizations avoid costly litigation, but also boosts profits, builds brand reputation, and contributes to a healthy corporate culture. In this white paper, we’ll share:
- What diversity compliance training is mandatory & what your company should provide
- The keys to successful DEI education
- Why you should go beyond the compliance mindset

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