BAYADA provides exceptional and empathetic home healthcare services to children and adults of all ages. Annually serving an average of 168,000 clients worldwide, BAYADA believes their employees are their greatest asset. Company values of compassion, excellence, and reliability fuel their mission to provide the highest level of care, treat employees and clients like family, and offer everyone a better quality of life.
Roughly 33,000 employees work in more than 380 service offices.
The company has an estimated annual revenue of $1.5 billion.
Based in Moorestown, New Jersey, BAYADA is an international healthcare nonprofit with locations in 22 states and five countries outside the U.S.
The Work
Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) ideals are woven into BAYADA’s core values, called The BAYADA Way. Ensuring that “all employees can thrive and all clients can receive high-quality, personalized care with a sense of well-being, dignity, and trust,” is central to their company philosophy. Their most recent annual DEI report shows their commitment to their values.
Since our initial engagement with BAYADA four years ago, we have guided efforts to build a strong DEIB foundation for the business. Key to our approach is growing cultural competency and increasing DEIB knowledge throughout BAYADA’s workforce, so that DEIB becomes an integral part of the company’s day-to-day operations and every employee interaction. To scale DEIB learning to a sizable and dispersed workforce, we have been agile and adaptable in our approach to education and training.
For example, a majority of the company’s health care workers don’t work in an office; they are in the community serving clients in their homes or traveling from one appointment to another. To meet their learning needs, we gave more than 10,000 employees access to MicroVideos by The Diversity Movement. Caregivers are now able to watch short videos on DEIB topics on their phones or other mobile devices.
To ensure BAYADA’s employee resource councils continued to grow in their roles as DEIB leaders and advocates, we rolled out new digital learning courses. The ERCs partnered with us in the launch of modules on Disability Inclusion & Advocacy and LGBTQ+ issues. Our Client Success team continues to host a variety of targeted training sessions – both virtual and in person – for specific teams. Recent topics include inclusive marketing with the BAYADA Marketing & Communications team, facilitated sessions on unconscious bias for people managers and recruiters, as well as in-depth discussions on racial and gender equity.
The Outcomes
In 2023 and 2024, BAYADA was named as one of America’s “Greatest Workplaces for Diversity” and “Greatest Workplaces for Women” by Newsweek. In 2023, Newsweek also named the company as one of “America’s Greatest Workplaces” and one of “America’s Greatest Workplaces for Parents & Families.” Forbes also ranked BAYDA as among the “Best Employers for Veterans” in 2023. The awards celebrate BAYADA’s progress on its DEIB goals and its ongoing commitment to The BAYADA Way.
As part of our continued partnership with BAYADA, we have intentionally aligned our educational offerings and our training courses with the company’s business goals. Responding to employees’ evolving needs, we added new courses and in-depth training sessions to help staff better integrate DEIB into their day-to-day interactions and give them the tools to be successful at their jobs. After one division completed the inclusive language course, their team leaders asked us to create a quick guide with talking points. We created a moderator guide so their people managers could feel more comfortable having conversations around inclusive language. The practical guide gave supervisors answers for difficult questions, and it provided ways for them to continue the dialogue in constructive ways.
We have also scaled DEIB learning throughout the company using our more than 600 MicroVideos. Carol L. DePietropolo, Associate I Reimbursement APR at BAYADA and chair of the PRIDE employee resource council has used MicroVideos with her group to launch conversations about relevant and sometimes challenging topics. “We’ve learned everything from best practices to how to approach difficult and frequently feared conversations. In a space where diversity and acceptance is not just a trend. We use these videos to work diligently on educating ourselves and our peers,” she says.
Finally, BAYADA is using TDM Analytics to better understand its DEIB strengths and opportunities for growth. In 2023, we partnered with BAYADA to launch a DEI-specific employee survey to establish baseline data for the company’s DEIB initiatives. Our tool will enable the BAYADA team to track and evaluate the results of its long-term DEIB strategy and better evaluate how we can continue to evolve and grow together as DEIB partners.

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