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Key Takeaways

  • Level set on foundational DEI terms and concepts
  • Understand the role of an ERG member along with tips on how to be an inclusive colleague
  • Evaluate how ERGs intersect and interact with other DEI groups (councils and committees)
  • Assess common missteps and challenges and how to avoid them
  • Learn how to be an active ally in your workplace and community

Our Curriculum

Understanding Diverse Communities

Level set on key DEI terms, the business case for DEI, and types of bias. Learn about different diverse communities – such as veterans, the LGBTQ+ community, and people with disabilities – and how to be respectful of all people.

Ins and Outs of ERG Membership

Understand your role as an ERG member and leader, including how to recruit diverse employees, increase retention, and positively impact your local community. Learn how to build trust within the ERG and across other DEI-related groups. Finally, learn best practices for maintaining a successful and impactful ERG.

Difficult Conversations and Active Allyship

ERG Members must exemplify how to be active allies and have difficult conversations in their organizations. Recognize common roadblocks to allyship and how to overcome them, actionable tips for allyship, and how to conduct difficult conversations with example scripts taken from real-life examples encountered by ERG members.

Learn More About the Program

 Contact us to see if the program is right for your team.