It’s likely that you and everyone you know has a friend, family member, or colleague who absorbs and processes information differently. In fact, it is estimated that roughly 20% of the global population has some form of neurodiversity. Awareness about neurodiversity is growing as more people recognize their dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and other ways of processing information.
However, outdated workplace processes are still creating unnecessary obstacles for neurodiverse employees, preventing organizations from hiring and retaining outstanding employees. Only by creating inclusive workplaces—where both neurodivergent and neurotypical employees thrive—can organizations take advantage of the creative power of neurodiverse teams.
Consider the advantages of a team where everyone has different thinking styles and creative approaches. Born from a need to adapt to environments that don’t accommodate their unique needs, neurodivergent individuals are often creative, out-of-the box thinkers. They may be more likely to challenge antiquated procedures, spot problems, and highlight perceived weaknesses. Neurodivergent employees often make connections that others overlook, take alternative paths, and discover innovative solutions.
“Leveraging nonlinear thinking is linked to greater innovation and better problem-solving. Organizations that embrace diversity and understand the transformational benefits leveraging neurodiverse approaches will empower employees to step forward and ask for needed accommodations,” says Jackie Ferguson, Vice President of Content, Programming, and Products at The Diversity Movement, a Workplace Options company.
Accommodations for Neurodiversity Improve Team Success
In the U.S., E.U., Canada and Britain, organizations are legally required to provide reasonable accommodations for a disability or qualifying condition. “Reasonable accommodations” can also be considered “productivity enhancers” because they enable every employee to operate at maximum capacity. According to a survey from the Job Accommodations Network (JAN), more than half of adjustments (56%) cost nothing to implement, and when they require a financial investment, organizations find the benefits of workplace accommodations far outweigh the costs.
Simple, cost-effective adjustments clear the way for better collaboration and fewer misunderstandings. For example, someone with ADHD might need an agenda before meetings or written assignments with clear project timelines. Someone with dyslexia may need supporting documentation before a meeting, so they have time to process the written information. An autistic employee might work better if they are allowed to wear noise-canceling headphones in the office. In fact, these performance enhancers could help any employee perform at their best.
Many employers discover that the accommodations they make for their neurodivergent employees improve workplace satisfaction and outcomes for all employees. In fact, some companies allow anyone to request an accommodation if it helps them be more productive. This policy reduces stigma and removes the burden from individual employees to ask for special resources and policies that benefit only them.
Make Requesting Accommodations Easy
An organization’s policies and procedures can help ensure employees know that conversations about accommodations are welcome. HR should make the process clear and easy to navigate, communicating exactly how an accommodation can be requested. According to the report in Fortune, 60% of neurodivergent employees don’t know what accommodations they’re entitled to, and 49% don’t know who to talk to about requesting them.
Talk About Your Accommodation Policy During Onboarding
While employers can’t ask about diagnoses or conditions, managers can make it a practice to ask every new employee what would help them be more productive. A manager might say, “We want to make sure your work environment is built for your success, and we want to ensure that you can do your best work here.” Hiring managers can also share examples of reasonable accommodations that are common at the organization and the process for requesting adjustments through HR.
If an employee discloses that they are neurodivergent, discuss how any accommodations will align with the needs of the entire team. If possible, help them acclimate to the workplace by matching them with a mentor, sponsor, or job coach. If the job candidate or new hire has had previous negative experiences, they might not ask for accommodations until they’ve been working for a period of time. Leaders should ensure they have a conversation with every employee, show they are willing to listen, and keep the lines of communication open, even after onboarding.
Encourage Transparent Conversations and Psychological Safety
Before employees will feel comfortable asking for workplace accommodations, the organization needs to have a culture of psychological safety. One survey of neurodiverse employees found 59% feared that revealing their diagnosis or asking for accommodations would lead to discrimination and ultimately hurt their career, for good reason. Of those employees who requested accommodations, nearly a third had their request denied and one in five were either demoted or fired.
Organizations can counter bias and discrimination toward people with neurological differences —and generate psychological safety—through awareness efforts and company-wide learning. Promoting the advantages of neurodiversity helps break down outdated narratives and assumptions that see neurodivergence as abnormal or a disability. Seeing neurodiversity as a strength also makes it more likely that managers will provide the support to help workers succeed and thrive.
Create a Comfortable Physical Environment
An organization’s physical space can send a powerful signal of inclusion. Rethinking the traditional office environment can accommodate a variety of sensory needs and working styles. For example, meeting rooms with dry erase boards accommodate visual thinkers. Quiet rooms with doors that close or unassigned offices that can be reserved benefit employees who need to focus, decompress, or recharge their social batteries between meetings.
Small changes to lighting can improve concentration and focus for employees with sensory sensitivities or sensory processing disorder (SPD). For employees who are sensitive to the bright overhead lighting common across most workplaces, providing adjustable light settings, task lighting, and warm lighting fixtures can help create a more comfortable office environment.
Communicate About Your Inclusive Culture
An organization can also demonstrate its inclusive and welcoming culture through its company website. Blog articles can describe engagement activities during Disability Pride Month, Autism Acceptance Month, or Neurodiversity Celebration Week. Many companies create these articles for in-house audiences, but external stakeholders are also interested in your inclusion initiatives. If your company has an employee resource group (ERG) for people with neurodiversity, promoting the group publicly demonstrates your commitment to inclusion.
Targeting bias and building understanding are hallmarks of psychologically safe workplaces. In inclusive cultures, employees can express their authentic selves without fear of discrimination, share their diagnoses and ask for the accommodations they need.
When neurodivergent employees feel safe to talk about their diagnosis, they report less stress and anxiety. They don’t have to mask their needs, and they can get the resources and support they need to perform their role. Creating a workplace culture that welcomes neurodiversity and promotes psychological safety helps leaders create personalized experiences for each individual and remove obstacles to success. This feedback loop of transparency and achievement leads to highly engaged employees and thriving companies.
Ready to dig into more tips for working with and supporting neurodivergent colleagues? Check out our guide.
Amber Keister is a Content Strategist at The Diversity Movement. She has spent more than 20 years as a journalist for publications throughout the South. Connect with her on Linkedin.