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The world is interconnected and rapidly changing. To meet these expanding needs, executives and C-suite leaders must have a nuanced understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in action on a global scale. Your business may be headquartered in the U.S, but have customer service reps in the Philippines, IT staff in India, and branch offices in the U.K. Your DEI programming has to work across your entire organization. Navigating assumptions about communication, branding, recruitment and retention, and shifting cultural dynamics is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Global diversity initiatives have to be as unique as the world’s different geographies.

At The Diversity Movement (TDM), we recognize the importance of integration between businesses that have a multinational footprint. We understand the complexities of relating to one another across ever-changing cultural, political, and business contexts.

Fostering successful relationships means focusing on the interpersonal and team-building initiatives that create workplace excellence. Our foundational expertise allows us to approach global topics with a localized approach to solving our client’s most pressing concerns, including: 

  • Meeting etiquette
  • Communication basics and language distinctions
  • Creating equitable and supportive work environments on a multinational scale
  • Integration of work/life and mental health programming

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The TDM Difference Includes:

Custom Solutions

Custom solutions begin with curious conversations. TDM has established its reputation on meeting clients where they are on their culture journey. We utilize our award-winning products and client services teams to enable our clients to get to the next level via scalable DEI initiatives. The outcome is tailored to your desire to create stronger teams, increased collaboration, and more inclusive workplaces.

Aligning DEI to Business Outcomes

We help your business succeed by aligning your aims to tangible outcomes. By creating a culture-centric organization filled with diversity-forward teams, your business will find greater success. TDM has worked with hundreds of teams – comprising tens of thousands of employees – to build cultural competence and improve communication skills.

Our Offerings:

TDM Inclusive Leadership Training (Cultural Competency Assessment)

We equip leaders with the cultural competence and inclusive leadership skills that foster relationships and inspire their teams. Our skill-based training enables leaders to act with empathy, listen with curiosity, communicate effectively, and create workplaces that attract top talent.

Global Skills Competency Training

Whether for DEI or general business, we ensure that your teams have the skills to do business with confidence and create environments of inclusion across cultures. With empathy and understanding, we uncover the biases and hidden obstacles to your business success and identify appropriate solutions.

TDM Remote Learning

As the modern workplace becomes more dispersed and virtual, TDM specializes in bringing people together. We assist clients in building a positive culture in remote teams, promote on-demand learning through MicroVideos, and inspire teams with engaging, high impact digital learning coursework.

TDM Analytics Platform

Our platform empowers clients to customize team surveys and gather relevant data about their workforce and its unique DEI journey. The result is stronger outcomes: identifying strengths, areas of opportunity, and tracking progress.

Let's Get Started.

TDM understands the value of global DEI, which is integral to long-term success in the diverse landscape of the modern business world. We are dedicated to helping organizations (and their teams) navigate the complexities of global diversity initiatives, foster inclusive cultures, build stronger brands that are connected to audiences worldwide, and drive positive change that results in stronger families, communities, and societies.

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